Just Strategy founded Communities for Our Colleges to fight for Washington State’s 34 community and technical colleges. Our Colleges is an organization of students, faculty, alumni, and community supporters.
Community colleges are the backbones of our economy and local communities. They drive racial equity and working-class success. We are building power to defend and expand access to community colleges.
Are you a part of the Community College Community?
Are you a student, alumni, faculty, or community supporter of Washington State’s community and technical colleges? Tell us about your experience. Are fair pay, equal access, and racial justice important to you? What else? We want to know what issues are important to you.
Report: What Students Need In a Time of COVID
This report gathers the voices of students at Washington State’s community and technical colleges (CTCs) in order to shine a light on the important role CTCs have to play in advancing racial and economic justice. The report also explains how the challenges students face at CTCs arise from underfunding and lays out policy recommendations to address these challenges.
Support Just Strategy
Your support for Just Strategy allows us to continue our cutting edge organizing campaigns. A donation, large or small, will go directly to building grassroots power.
- $100 will cover a month of cell service for a rural organizer.
- $1000 will fund a community meeting.
- $10,000 funds a daylong organizing training.
*Note: Your contribution is not tax-deductible. Just Strategy is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization.